Reignite your passion for Korean Dramas Like a Boss!

As I look through my archives, I realize that it has been a while since I have done a recap or watched multiple dramas that have my interest for me to recap/review.

Then, it dawned on me, there aren’t much dramas being produced that have interesting premise that can hook me. Instead, I am find myself being sucked into a favorite Korean pastime of mine, “Running man.” I am actually at the point of re-watching old episodes, but I do not want to ruin my memories by comparing how awesome the show was in the early days. It still is, but nothing beats the newly, old premise. Now, I am in search of looking for new variety shows that are easy to watch, laugh and fill the K-drama hole in which new dramas fail to fill.

Running man
Ex-Monday Couple-Running Man

I would like to pass my expertise on how to watch Korean dramas like a boss and immerse yourself in a world that makes you escape reality. Therefore, this post is likely for newly turned K-drama fans or those who are seeking to return to the past feels of enjoying a beautiful seasoned Korean drama. (The latter is mostly for me. :D)

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

Re-watch old dramas. Dramas that once made you addicted to Korean dramas, and everything Korean. Trust me, your old addiction habits won’t kick in, but watching a few drama might ignite the flame.

Secret Garden
Secret Garden

Pick a new show. Come up with a rule for yourself that if a new drama does not fancy your taste, there is no shame in finishing the drama. In fact, kick that drama to the curb and dive into another drama. I just saved you from wasting 16-24 hours of your life. You are WELCOME!!

Heirs 2

Switch up genres. If you are one who is into melodrama and you despise anything action. Maybe, it is time for a change. Get out of bed, open your blinds and throw away that box of Kleenex. It is time to get the popcorn and enjoy hours of swoony moments and endless bloodshed. Yes, action dramas have soapy moments too!

Heirs 3

Phone a friend. I mean you do need to connect with your buddy on a regular day, but this is more important than meeting for pizza and going to the beach to bask in the summer sun. Haha! Ask them to recommend a favorite drama of theirs, who knows their enthusiasm about a good, recommended drama might rub off you.

Revolutionary Love
Revolutionary Love

Make a dish. WHAT? Yes, if there is a food you have always wanted to try from watching a show, now is the time to do so, since you have nothing to watch. Get the recipe online and get cooking. I have always wanted to try tteobokki (rice cakes) and guess what, I made spicy tteobokki and honey tteobokki. I SUCK AT GETTING THE FLAVOR, but im’ma keep trying Hehe!!


Browse blogger-land. There are blogs that do series recaps/reviews. See if their recaps or reviews catch your fancy as you read. If the drama sounds like something you can commit to, then off you go.

Go Back Couple
Go Back Couple

Read comments. Never underestimate the power of viewers’ commenting. Their opinions can break or make the show, not in a literal sense, though, in some instances, I have seen shows crumble or rise due to online comments. The point is that people commenting can increase your drama-watching drive.

Revolutionary Love 2
Revolutionary Love

Compare Shows. ABOMINATION! One thing I hate is comparisons because things are not the same, however, I have come to realize that there are similarities in comparisons. So, I compare in order to see the similarities. Compare new shows to old and whatever made you tune in to old shows might help you watch new shows in a new light. All about perspective.


Watch a trailer. Since new shows always feature preview, though, I would argue that previews sometimes do not match up with the show, but a trailer can get you excited.


Tease. I know I get excited when one of my favorite actor/actress is headlining a drama despite the premise of the show. So, I tune in for at least two episodes to see if the drama is worth sticking out for, that is if the trailer gets my attention. If the trailer is a dud, then sorry oppa/unni, I am out.

You're Beautiful
You’re Beautiful

If all fails, WATCH T-DRAMA, C-DRAMA OR J-DRAMAS OR SOMETHING! You will likely find your taste 🙂


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